My folks were here for the long weekend, and we spent the whole time with them. It was lovely, though I am in pain now from sitting in my chair so long. I did ask to lie on their hotel bed to talk to Mom yesterday, and that helped. I'm afraid I'm going to be sore for a few days. Hubby kept telling me that they'd understand my limitations, and I'm sure they did, but I know I was frustrated with how little time I could spend with them.
We spent most of the weekend talking, which was wonderful. the sprog, being 13, got bored and wandered around the hotel a lot; on Monday we brought our digital camera and she took lots and lots of photographs. She's been talking about an interest in photography, and she did have some nicely composed pictures. On Sunday, we went to see
Mr. Bean's Holiday, and I assure you that is worth its own entry soon, when I have the time. Short review: Don't. I had my suspicions ahead of time, but that was what my folks picked. Hubby and I walked out about half an hour into the movie.
The conversation was wonderful, and I sent a pink ribbon back for both my mom and sister, who had been very supportive during my cancer treatment. It isn't much, but I'm happy I can at least give them a token of appreciation. We went to dinner Monday night, then parted ways, and my parents are well on the road back to Lenexa, KS at this time. Alyria and I both cried after we said our goodbyes; we hadn't seen them in some time and while we were tired from the excitement (we're homebodies most of the time any more), we weren't ready for them to leave.
I'm hoping to have some crochet posts up this week, and also want to put some recipes on my blog. I'll post recipes that I can make without hurting myself, so they are relatively simple but yummy dishes. I'm hoping to turn this blog into a more creative space and less of a health issues space, though of course the health issues are integral to my life and will remain an important part of the blog as well.