Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Events upcoming

Halloween is tomorrow, and The Sprog is terrifically excited. Me, I'm looking forward to Thursday, because I get to go to The Lamb Shoppe early Thursday evening, and meet Kim Werker of Crochet Me and get a copy of her new book, Crochet Me: Designs to Fuel the Crochet Revolution. I was told to bring my hook and yarn; I'm working on a fairly intricate scarf using one of my wooden hooks, so I'll bring that. Hanging out and crocheting with other crocheters. What fun!

This is shaping up to be a busy month with all sorts of different events turning up from all over. I need to remember not to overextend, but I plan to enjoy it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Crochet!

Felted skulls and a bag shaped like a cauldron. The cauldron was a 2 dimensional pattern, but I crocheted a circle for the bottom and turned it into a 3D piece, though that's not easy to see in the photos.




I'm at a science fiction convention -- MileHiCon -- this weekend; I'm hoping to post more crochet soon. I've got the photos -- it's just getting tem up on the Net and available!

While I'm talking about conventions, Dear Santa, please send me tickets for the whole family to Denvention 3, the World Science Fiction Convention here in Denver next year. I last went to a WorldCon in 1976 -- 32 years ago! We're working like crazy to come up with the fundage; but frankly, it may take my actually getting disability with "back pay" to be able to swing it. I'll keep working on it, though. It's been a really long time.