Sunday, April 08, 2007

Questions for the surgeon tomorrow

Got these all formatted, spaced so I can write answers in.I'll print them out shortly.

I Surgery questions.
What type of DClS do I have?
What is my risk of recurrence?
Will this be a radical, modified radical, or simple mastectomy?
Will I need Radiation, if so, what effect will that have on my heart, since it’s the left chest?
Will I need Chemo? If so, I need a port – blew out a vein in less than a week last fall.
In addition to fragile veins, tape breaks down my skin pretty quickly. Even paper tape
Will you be taking any lymph nodes?
Does it make a difference where I am in my cycle for the surgery?
I have compromised kidneys that will require support.
I also have chronic pain, and am on a fair dose of pain killers already. How will we deal with surgical pain?
I need to be sure that I have sufficient anesthesia and pain control for my size.
Will this be outpatient or hospital?
What about the other breast? Is it at risk? What will having only one breast do to my balance and physiology? There’s a lot of meat there.

II Hospital questions (if needed)
I have back and other arthritis issues, so the traditional up and walking in the hospital after surgery is problematic. How can we accommodate my disability?
Need to accommodate my food allergies, pineapple, capsicum, aspartame.
Sufficient anesthesia for my size.


Alia said...

Thanks. I've been taking notes since I found out. That's the product of those notes.

Alia said...

Not a whole lot yet. I'll post in a little while. I'm utterly drained and exhausted from being out from 10 till 4:30 today for two appointments.