Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I got the drain taken out today. I've had a plastic tube hanging out of my left side for a little over three weeks. The normal amount of time the drain stays in is two weeks, but for some reason (lower body not working so hot...) I use my arms more than most people, so I kept the drain longer. This caused a couple of minor complications, as my flesh had attached to the suture and to the drain. It didn't hurt, exactly; it was just uncomfortable. There was a pull to removing the stitch, as the skin had bonded to it. The part of the drain inside my body was a tube with holes in it to take in the fluid. I had about 8" of the drain inside; as the PA said, larger breasted women need more length in the drain. It felt rather like one of those cheap bead chains being pulled out. I didn't watch -- I've learned that's the best idea.

So I have a hole in my side and a new bandage -- I get to take it off and shower tomorrow after 24 hours, which works for me. Then 24 hours after that, I can take the evil mastectomy bra off! Yay!!!! I was going to throw it away, but I've discovered that I get a bit sore, so I'll keep it and the towels I'm using for compression for a while before disposing of the darned thing. The PA told me she has patients who insist the bra is too tight (It is; it's about 4" too small in the chest, but that's because it's there to provide compression); and other patients who love it for its "support" and want to buy another one. It has some similarity to a minimizer; it's deliberately tight and presses into the breasts, and the mastectomy side is filled with gauze or towels or other cloth to provide compression. She said the things are $80 bucks. Ugh. It's no secret I hate this one, but I don't have much longer to wear it, thank goodness.

And in two weeks I can have baths and I can swim. My swimsuit will look a little strange, but I am really looking forward to getting in the water and moving around; sleeping and taking the chair places are hardly exercise, even if traveling in the chair is wearing.

Oh yeah, I've started going to the various doctors by myself. Since I'm not driving, it's handy that both I and my doctors are a few blocks off of Colorado Blvd. Hubby built a ramp, and the chair usually stays in the house. (Today, we had the chair in the car, as he went to the doctor's with me for the drain removal.) Monday I went to my GP, who I have to see monthly for my pain meds, and Friday I will be going to therapy. But it's a single bus ride, and all the busses have wheelchair lifts or ramps, so while it takes a little longer, I don't have gas or parking to pay, and gimps get a discounted fare. Plus, I don't have to pull Hubby out of class, or Housemate out of work. It takes me a little longer by myself, but right now my time is inexpensive, so that's OK; after all, it's taking care of me. And there's several little shops and a grocery close enough for me to get to, so I'm not constantly stuck doing nothing. I do have a faint ache in my chest, but I'm sure that it will pass soon.

This weekend should be busy; the sprog turns 13 on Sunday. That means I will be parenting (ominous music) a teenager. As math would have it, she was born 3 days before our second anniversary, so Hubby and I will celebrate our 15th anniversary on Wednesday. Wow. It seems both longer than that and just a really short time ago at the same time. I don't know if we're doing anything for it; maybe we'll manage enough fundage to go out for pizza or something. My folks got us a zoo membership; anyone local who wants to hit the zoo with us, we can bring an adult each and various and sundry kidtypes. I plan to spend some time at the zoo this year -- we have the pass and I enjoy going there. Need to check the bus schedules; I bet I can go there pretty easily from here once I'm stronger. The zoo is also more-or-less off of Colorado Blvd. The museum is in between the zoo and the road, but it's still reasonably close.

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