Saturday, July 21, 2007

This is a relief...

I can has a life, and not spend it worrying about my attitude and diet!

The tyranny of assigning blame based on food or life choices is debunked.

I'll eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; I like them. But my size, my food choices, and my temperament don't affect my survival. (It doesn't for non-cancer related issues either -- read back a ways if you are interested. Most of the food police nonsense is utterly unjustified and fat does not mean early mortality.)

And I lost a total of 85 pounds since my Acute Renal Failure in October. I did it with a change in appetite after my illness, not through obsessing over food or counting calories. I'd come off of Remeron, which causes weight gain, and several other meds that were not working for pain control. I suspect that's what is most responsible for the weight loss; not being on appetite-stimulating drugs. My weight has stablized at what is still a "high weight;" but I move better, I feel better, and with the movement limitation imposed by my pain, I'm pretty satisfied with where I am right now.

*Breathes sigh of relief.* I'd much rather focus on living than on surviving.

I highly recommend this blog, by the way. And the "I can has" reference? Check out I Can Has Cheezburger!

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